“our level of commitment will equal our level of results”

A Simple Truth for Coaches

Our level of commitment will equal our level of results.

This powerful statement comes from Mike G., a man who in my mind embodies dedication, and it serves as a fantastic rubric for evaluating our progress as coaches. If we want more results than we're currently getting, we have to commit more—whether in fitness, coaching development, or personal growth.

Results don’t happen by accident. They are a direct reflection of how much effort, time, and energy we invest. As coaches, we expect our athletes to commit to their training if they want to improve. The same principle applies to us.

Want to be a better coach? You’ll need to invest your intention in continuing education, mentorship, and hands-on experience. Want to build a stronger community? That requires consistent engagement, leadership, and a willingness to go above and beyond. If we want to level up, we must be willing to invest—more time, more energy, and yes, sometimes more money. Workshops, courses, seminars, and networking opportunities are all ways to deepen our commitment to coaching excellence.

A Coach’s Takeaway/Reminder

If you’re not seeing the results you want in your coaching career, ask yourself: Am I truly committed at the level that matches my goals?

Thank you, Mike, for the reminder that greatness isn’t given—it’s earned. Let’s commit at the level we expect our results to be.


Finding the Joy in the CrossFit Open: A Message to Coaches